Custom quilts from Main Street to Broadway

Quilt Prep

Quilt prep

For best results, complete the steps below before sending in your quilt

  • Press all seams either open or to one side. (Whichever you prefer.)

  • Trim all loose threads. (Don’t forget the back of the quilt top!)

  • If your quilt top is directional please mark the top either by pinning a note or using a piece of painters’ tape.

  • Ensure the backing is at least 4” larger than your quilt top, on all sides. (This is necessary to accommodate proper loading and clamping)

  • Ensure both top and backing are square. (There are many methods of squaring up a quilt. If you are unsure of what to do, search YouTube for “How to square a quilt”)

  • It’s always wise to wrap your quilt in plastic before shipping, in case the box gets wet in transit.